
I Am Interviewed on Bookpleasures.com

Here is a brief excerpt of my interview with Norm Goldman of Bookpleasures.com:

“I’m not quite sure why the macabre draws me. It’s probably a combination of temperament, personal history and literary preferences. I see darkness in the world, in people, most of all in myself. But there’s light as well. I hope readers will see the light in Talion as well as the darkness. In the macabre as a literary form I see two elements – fascination and dread. Edgar Allen Poe’s stories have these elements. His neurasthenic characters are obsessed by the things they fear most. The black cat, the beating heart of the murder victim, the horror of being buried alive. And the reader willingly participates. Why? I guess for the same reason that people can’t drive past a car wreck without slowing down to gawk. It’s strange, gawkers hoping to witness a gruesome injury that will haunt their dreams. Yet they can’t seem to resist the fascination of the accident scene.”

To read more, follow the link below:


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